Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Abstract toothbrush art

Silly Splatters by Cameron
Footprint by Kadence
Sparks by Noella
The Hurricane of Life by Kalyna
Bubbles by Nathan
Splash Power! by Kendall
Aska! by Holly

Friday, 26 September 2014

Our community

Today the class drew their community (Westwood and Headingly) in the beautiful weather!

Home reading time!

Bonjour tout le monde!

The kids will be bringing home their home reading bags for the first time today! It is a colourful cloth bag. There is a letter with details about the program in your child's agenda pocket.

The TWAS notebook will be coming home today too - please write back to your child!

Spelling homework is also in the front pocket of the agenda. Unit 4 is due back next Friday, and the spelling test will be on Thursday as usual.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!

Mme Dickens and Mme Kirk

Friday, 12 September 2014

Mme is learning too!

Hello and welcome to our blog! Mme Dickens here, trying to figure out not only the technical aspects of creating and using this blog, but what to put on here! I thought having a copy of our monthly calendar would be helpful, but so far I haven't figured out how to make that happen. Paper it is, for now - lol!

We are off to a good start in our class. We are working on learning routines and expectations, including how to take care of Rupert!

Don't forget picture day is Sept. 22nd and scholastic book orders are due Sept 18th. We should be able to have a complete calendar for September out soon!

That's all for now - please feel free to let me know what you might like to see on this blog! It will be evolving as we all learn throughout the year.

: )