Friday, 21 November 2014

Mago le magicien

The school had a special treat today - a visit from Mago le magicien! He showed us some amazing magic tricks, and we had a lot of laughs! Ask your child to tell you all about it!

Friday, 14 November 2014

Museum trip

We had a great time playing and learning at the Children's Museum this week! We learned about water pollution, and how had water is to clean once it gets dirty!

We also had the opportunity to explore all the galleries.

I'm sure you will hear all about it in our TWAS this week!

Monday, 3 November 2014



Thank-you to the parents of the following children who sent in snacks for the Halloween party; Janelle, Kadence, Luka, Kalyna, Slayter and Nathan. The munchies and costumes were great and good times were had by all :)
Please limit the amount of Halloween treats that your child brings to school for lunch and snack times.
Our Halloween song en francais and awesome black cats!

Our last TIA session with Mme Broughton.

The children painted their clay pots today. What a great job they did!  The pots will go back to the kiln at Westwood High School.  All of the clay pots will be on display at the upcoming triad conferences on Dec. 4 and Dec. 5.  The clay pots will be sent home at that time.  Thank-you to Jacquelyn Sykes and Angela Heese who volunteered this morning.  The finished products will be beautiful!
There will be another TIA series of 3 sessions with a different guest artist in the Spring. 



Monday, 27 October 2014

Teaching Through The Integrated Arts

We are really enjoying our Teaching Through The Integrated Arts sessions featuring guest artist, Mme Broughton. During the first session each student rolled 100 clay balls.  During the second session the balls were used to form a clay pot. These pots will be fired in the kiln at Westwood High School. Our last TIA session is on Monday, November 3rd from 9:15 to 10:30. It will be in the Art Room and parents are welcome to attend. We will be painting the clay pots!
Rolling 100 clay balls.

Mme Broughton working with the students.

Strategically placing the clay balls in a staggered pattern.

Looking awesome and ready to be fired in the kiln!

Thursday, 23 October 2014

C'est l'Halloween (almost)!

Next Friday is Halloween! Please send your child to school with their costume. We will be putting them on after lunch and attendance, around 1:10. There will be a school parade in the gym at 1:30. Students will go out for recess as usual, and our class party will take place after recess, at 2:45. Parents who signed up for a snack will receive an email reminder. Have a great long weekend!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Reading in English et en francais!

Some of you may have noticed the same books coming home for French reading. We are working on books right now where the students are adding to their stories, and they should be ready to come home for home reading soon!

Keep an eye out for letters about razkids, our online reading program, which will be sent out soon with usernames and passwords for each student.

Happy reading!

Thursday, 9 October 2014


Hello families!

A couple of reminders:

- Scholastics book orders are due. I will be placing the order no later than next Tuesday - please send them in as soon as possible if you want to order!

- There is no school Monday. Happy Thanksgiving!

- Thank you to those who have already responded to our request for volunteers for The Integrated Arts program. If you are available to volunteer, please email and let us know!

- I have attempted to post the Oct. calendar on a separate page, which you can access through the link at the right of this page. It is currently experiencing some technical difficulties, but I am hoping that eventually you will be able to see the class calendar there each month!

- Discovery will begin next week.

Thank you always for your support, and have a great long weekend!

: )

Mme Dickens

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Abstract toothbrush art

Silly Splatters by Cameron
Footprint by Kadence
Sparks by Noella
The Hurricane of Life by Kalyna
Bubbles by Nathan
Splash Power! by Kendall
Aska! by Holly

Friday, 26 September 2014

Our community

Today the class drew their community (Westwood and Headingly) in the beautiful weather!

Home reading time!

Bonjour tout le monde!

The kids will be bringing home their home reading bags for the first time today! It is a colourful cloth bag. There is a letter with details about the program in your child's agenda pocket.

The TWAS notebook will be coming home today too - please write back to your child!

Spelling homework is also in the front pocket of the agenda. Unit 4 is due back next Friday, and the spelling test will be on Thursday as usual.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!

Mme Dickens and Mme Kirk

Friday, 12 September 2014

Mme is learning too!

Hello and welcome to our blog! Mme Dickens here, trying to figure out not only the technical aspects of creating and using this blog, but what to put on here! I thought having a copy of our monthly calendar would be helpful, but so far I haven't figured out how to make that happen. Paper it is, for now - lol!

We are off to a good start in our class. We are working on learning routines and expectations, including how to take care of Rupert!

Don't forget picture day is Sept. 22nd and scholastic book orders are due Sept 18th. We should be able to have a complete calendar for September out soon!

That's all for now - please feel free to let me know what you might like to see on this blog! It will be evolving as we all learn throughout the year.

: )